We Are Not Alone

Stronger Together. Smarter Together.

Over the years, we have met many incredible people making a difference, who have the same values and vision as us. With our collaborative efforts, we are stronger together and will act as a front to make change happen, whilst also maintaining our independence and integrity.

Our partnerships will enhance the quality of our work, and provide essential leadership to support the The Oslo Desk’s mission to bring diverse perspectives to the table and create practical content to help people of all backgrounds in Norway live out their greatest potential in a free and peaceful way.

Our Commitments:

We Pursue Community

We are not driven by advertisers, foreign investors or special interest groups. The Oslo Desk is dictated by the community we serve. So, we promise to invite a broad range of individuals to help shape our creative editorial calendar, to get involved in investigations, and to engage in dialogue on how to take civil action.

We Pursue New Rules

Our editorial calendar is not dictated by breaking news or clickbait opportunities. As your trusted guide dog, we practice creative, constructive and solutions-oriented journalism. We are modern in our approach, sharing human experience through art, photography, video and word. And, we go deep on the untold, unique stories, so that together, we can change systems, not just complain about symptoms. We invite our readers as well to change the rules of the game in their lives too.

We Pursue Collaboration

We cannot transform society into an inclusive, safe place without working together, finding allies and leaning on each other. So, we act as a trusted safe zone where internationals can come forward with their experiences, knowing we will listen and act. We also collaborate with large media outlets to bring untold stories and unique perspectives to the world.

We Pursue Transparency

We know that the media is rarely trusted, so we commit to radical transparency – sharing our reasons for investigation, any missing details, our biases and more. We also promise to disclose our funders, partners and use of funds as we seek to make a lasting impact in society.

If you are interested in becoming a strategic partner, send us an email – theteam.tod@gmail.com


Andre Katombe, Sonrise Picture is a multi-cultural media-content production company that has created films and photographs since 2012. Their expertise ranges from concept creation, developing story board, filming, photography, tutoring, editing, lighting, sound capturing and directing.


HUMARK stand for Humane Marketing. Through a harmony of technology, creativity, storytelling and empathy we transform businesses to deliver quality, consistent, seamless and human-centric experiences for their customers. At the heart of what we do is the the modern, digitally empowered and connected human being.


(GUDC) a not-for-profit corporation and was established to develop Universal Design (UD) standards for buildings, products and services. GUDC is currently developing UD voluntary consensus standards for commercial buildings, which will expand access to buildings for all people, regardless of physical stature and varying abilities. The approved UD standards will guide corporations and government entities in the creation of barrier-free facilities, providing diverse users with access to commerce, public services, entertainment, and employment opportunities. http://www.globaluniversaldesign.org/about-us


OEC is an organization which takes care of expats, re-pats, international students, employees of international companies and their spouses. It offers to the clients a comprehensive package of services which aim to make them feel at home in Norway.